This Little Disney Blog is a new blog in the big pond of Disney blogs. This blog was created with the intent to add to the Disney community and find it's own place where all walks of Disney fans can unite. With this, I decided that I wanted multiple contributors and voices, as this most accurately represents the Disney community while at the same time, just scratches the surface.
One of the voices you'll see on the blog is Dez. I've known her for quite a few years and we instantly bonded with each others love for Disney, other geeky things and our love for giggling.
Keep a weather eye open for a few more writer intros as our little blog grows!
Ladies and gents, meet Dez:
"Hi Folks!
Thought I’d take a second and introduce myself! My name is Dez and I’m a HUGE all around Disney fan.
Earliest Memories: I can’t remember which Disney movie was my first, because since I was the second born, Disney was in our house before I was even born and my parents didn’t write that in the baby book. I do remember the first VHS Tape my brother and I broke from watching it so much… Pete’s Dragon. It was my brother’s favorite, and my brother usually won the “who gets to choose which movie” contests because they were always about who was faster, bigger, stronger… I didn’t catch on for a while, but when I did… Peter Pan broke next. I grew up in the 80’s so no Disney Stores yet, so that means no dolls unless you were lucky enough to have gone to Disneyland. So I had my grandmother make a blue night gown for my generic doll so she could be Wendy, and I would use a red marker on the blonde hair of my Barbie and use green planter tape to make Ariel’s tail. I made my own dolls, and I loved them dearly.
Fast forward a few years, and when I was about 8 or 9 my family and I got to go to Disneyland for my birthday, the most memorable thing was the Main Street Electrical Parade. It was top notch for its time, my little mind was blown, and ever since then, every single birthday I wanted to celebrate at Disneyland. My family, being a low means family, going to Disneyland for my birthday every year wasn’t realistic, that was the last time I went until I was 16 for Grad Night. This is probably a big reason why I go so often now. I’ve celebrate my Birthday at Disneyland every year since my 22nd Birthday.
What Disney Means To Me: Disney for me is my escape. Some people choose drugs, drinking, therapy, I choose Disney. Disney movies are a short break from real life, and Disneyland is for a lack of better terms, My Happiest Place on Earth. Every chance I get I will go, no question.
I don’t think I’m the stereotypical Disney lover. I don’t have children I’m sharing it with, I’m not in it for the rides, to collect pins, or find all the hidden Mickeys (although I’ve found some). I don’t go for themed days, I just go and I go because when I walk through those gates, and watch a movie, I feel like I’m recharging myself. Our world likes to show us the darkness of our lives, and Disney helps me imagine again, love more, and remind me of who I am.
I’m excited that Inthia asked me to share my Disney passion on her blog. I hope you enjoy reading what I have to offer.
<3 Dez"
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