Hello and howdy! Sundaytimes means rounduptimes! So pull up an iced tea and get comfy! It's too dang hot for coffee.
Here we go!
* Are you familiar with Black Milk Clothing? Well you should be. They make geeky inspired nylon clothing, like leggings and stuff. On Tuesday, they have a Disney line hitting the interwebs. There is some pretty amazing stuff in there, not exactly budget friendly but amazing all the same.
* The Haunted Mansion is celebrating 45 years of frightful spooks and amazingness! In it's honor, Disney is be releasing great commemorative merchandise. Seriously, get your wallets ready.
* Tom at the Disney Tourist Blog has a great look at all the Tower or Terror incarnations. Each with its own unique element or story to suit its region. Perfect perfect!
* A few airport tips for those traveling to the Disneyland Resort. I never think of these things since I never fly.
* I'm upset no one told me about the awesomeness of Her Universe. UP-SET, but then I visited the site and totally forgot about my upsetness.
That's it for this week! WHY? Because I have a million posts to write up! We have quite a bit of content lined up this week and I recorded in part of the latest Remain Seated Please podcast. Dunno if I'll make the final cut but yay site content!
Anywho, did we miss anything? Drop a line!
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