Today there is so much more Shanghai Disneyland for you! We'll start off where we left off:
Next after Fantasyland is Treasure Cove! A piratety seaside cove themed area with their gigantic and impressive looking Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken Treasure attraction, a few eateries, and a show!
Would I be able to get this costume? It's pretty much perfect for my pirate feeling days.
Adventure Isle has adventure and mystery! Roaring Rapids looks promising with a huge reptilian menace and a great upgrade to the Redwood Creek Challenge Trail.
The centerpiece of the park is Enchanted Storybook Castle. Crystal Grotto run through the castle and it's incredible from the sounds of it. The castle will depict various princesses and scenes in mosaics representative of the 4 seasons as well.
Phew! That covers a good majority of the Shanghai Disneyland Pavilion. Next up: resorts, Downtown Disney, and merchandise!
Catch up with part one!
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