A few years ago, I'm not entirely sure how, Art Journaling the Magic's Disneyland centric online course called "A Walk in the Park" crossed my path. Led by Tangie Baxter, A Walk in the Park was offering a multi-week online watercoloring and sketching course for all artistic levels retracing Walt Disney's walk through Disneyland and our personal memories from around the park. I love drawing, maybe not too well, and I was growing fond of watercoloring, I also am in love with Disneyland, so this checked all the boxes. I'm also drawn to the idea of documenting our experiences and THIS was a new fantastic way for me to do just that. Being drawn in by the introductory video and Tangie's amazing art, I knew that I had to join and be part of this budding community. Her site revealed that she had also held live, in person retreats at Disneyland and was a huge Disney fan as well. Yes to all of this!
One day life took a turn and I had to leave my comfort zone and home for a few months. I packed a rather large bag and moved to New Orleans for an undetermined amount of time. Living in a hotel room attached to a hospital for what turned out to be two months, but felt like an eternity with no end. In the meantime we grew into our routines, had NOLA adventures, and the A Walk in the Park course became my routine in our downtime and my new venture out of my artistic comfort zone. There was a posting schedule that I lived by and had all my supplies at the ready. I live a shortish drive from Disneyland and this became my way to re-visit the parks and my memories while I was away, as well as connect with people and make friends that share the same love of Disney theme parks. A lot of us went into it blind and watched each other grow and evolve as ARTISTS. Anyone can draw and anyone can paint. So we did!
It was so easy to get lost in these wonderful classes and amazing art!
This course is wonderful and I find myself revisiting it for ideas and refreshers on techniques. Tangie starts with wonderful basics while walking through Disneyland to bring out memories, ideas, and creativity. From detailed drawings to quick on the spot sketches, this course is so accessible and inspiring. She also has amazing guests, such as Mindy Lacefied, who are wonderful and inspiring. I remember how proud I felt finishing pages in my journal, which was a Dave Baxter creation! A Little Golden Book turned into a watercoloring journal. To die for!
None of this is sponsored or anything. It's a genuine love for something that helped me through a rough time and has become part of my life since. Taking this course was wonderful and she has since offered additional courses with a new Disney World: A Walk in the Park course starting soon as well as live Disneyland and Disney World retreats! I highly recommend taking a look intoArt Journaling the Magic courses for a wonderful guide to self expression and Disney memory making.
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