I have an ever growing collection of Disney recipes and cookbooks in my cookbook collection. From books to handouts and promotional materials, I love to collect and THINK about recreating these recipes. It's about time that I dive into these recipes and give them a try! I'll be covering a good variety of movie and character inspired recipes as well as beloved or super defunct park recipes. From my readings, the 50's-70's were a little questionable and super experimental with recipes. Haha.
While I don't think I can legally post recipes from most of these books, I'll provide as much information as possible and provide links!
First up is a recipe from Disney Recipes by Ira Meyer:
Princess Aurora's Berried Honey Butter.
Unsalted Butter
Golden Raspberries
This recipe was done in about 20 min with a sit in the fridge overnight. It was SUPER easy to make. Its taste is tangy, subtle, sweet, and delicious. I spread some on an english muffins but can easily talk myself into some scones and a perfect cup of tea to go with it.
This cookbook has little ideas and substitutions in little side notes, which is way awesome and helpful. This one suggests letting little ones help by mashing berries and that red raspberries can be used as well however it will not look like Aurora's honey colored hair.
My only complaint about the recipe is how it ends so abruptly. There weren't any directions on how to store or really anything after mixing in the last ingredient.
Phew! One down! So many more to go!
Let me know if you have any favorite Disney recipes! I'm excited to try these guys out and hopefully some make it into my everyday rotation.
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